Planned weekend meets for September to October 2024
5th - 9th Sept.
Bank Top Farm Cropton
Cropton Lane, Cropton, Pickering,
North Yorkshire,
YO18 8HH
What3words classic.readjust.surnames
Map referance : 100/753890
Stewards--- Ian Conning
£10.00 unit / night
13th - 15th Sept.
Teesside DA Feast of Lanterns
Catterick Racecourse
The theme for the weekend is
Decorated units will be judged at 8pm.
The site has a nice path that circles a fenced off pond, making for a great dog walk and safe area for kids to cycle. Small play area with swings etc on site.
£15.00 / unit night.
Catterick Road, Catterick Bridge, A6136
DL10 7PE
What3words hence.mend.initiates
Stewards - Committee
Map reference: 99/229988.
19th - 22nd Sept.
Swale Hall, Grinton
North Yorkshire,
DL11 6HH
What3words envoy.searching.badminton
Map reference: 98/045986.
£10.00/ unit night
3rd - 6th Oct.
Lockside Caravan & Camping Site
Littlethorpe Road
Ripon. HG4 1TZ
What3words cleansed.upward.warthog
Stewards --
Map Referance : 99/322702
£10.00 / unit night
elec available, limited number.
18th - 21st Oct.
Barnard Castle Club Site
•Bookings are now open:
•This is a 3 day meet from Friday 18th to Monday 21st October.
•The cost for 2 nights will be £34 and for 3 will be £50.
•There are a limited number of pitches available so if you are interested in joining us, please email stating how many/ which nights you would like to stay.
•We will respond to you asap via email.
Dockenflatts Lane, Lartington, Barnard Castle, DL12 9DG.
What3words enjoyable.rewarding.cheerily
Map referance : 92/025168
£TBC / unit night
29th Oct- 3rd Nov
Thirsk Racecourse
5 Day Meet
Booking NOW OPEN
• The cost per night is £15
• We have limited pitches so if you are interested in joining us, please email
** Please ensure you provide the following :
Name, Membership No, DA or Section, Contact No, Reg No, Unit Type, No of Ad/Ch, No of nights with your arrival date.
• You will receive a confirmation email w/c 23rd September